“I do have hope that my small efforts will move the wheel of the world in the right direction. If not me or my children or my children’s children, perhaps some future generation will enjoy a better life because of my choices. But even that modest hope will die if we stop trying.”
~ Azar Rahimi, “A Door Between Us”
mornings at the ministry
Inspired by Iran’s “Women, Life, Freedom,” movement, Mornings at the Ministry appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of Ploughshares.
A Door Between us
An unflinching, humorous, and sometimes scary snapshot of a family with clashing political ideologies in the aftermath of the 2009 Iranian election and the ensuing Green Wave protests.
Ehsaneh sadr
Ehsaneh is a novelist and activist with a PhD in International Relations. She has worked, in various capacities, on campaigns related to climate change, biking advocacy, Palestinian human rights, lifting sanctions on Iran, access to credit for rural villagers, and safe spaces for children in crisis.
Photo by Farzad Afzali